He estado investigando sobre la
ciencia de la felicidad. Tras mis investigaciones, he llegado al punto donde
estoy segura que la felicidad es una destreza que se tiene que practicar con la
energía y con el esfuerzo que se le dedica a otras cosas como entrenar para un maratón
o la practica de ir al gimnasio diariamente. Si uno se enfoca deliberadamente a
la practica de ser feliz, uno ira incrementando su habilidad para ser feliz! Lo
bueno de esto es de que es super fácil, y no cuesta nada! Estan listos para
vivir vidas mas felices? En cuanto tenga mas tiempo agregare mas artículos y
recursos para proveerles mas información sobre la ciencia de la felicidad.
Pasos intencionales para ser feliz
(vienen del autor Shawn Achor):
-La gratitud debe ser un habito
-Mantén un diario de gratitud
-Haz ejercicio
-Realiza actos intencionales de
Aqui esta en Ingles:
Achor's Advice about how to, in my words, Happinize Puposefully-
I recommend printing this and posting it somewhere where everyone in your household will see it on a daily basis. By doing these simple things you will be ensuring that your brain is in prime shape to happinize to the fullest!
I recommend printing this and posting it somewhere where everyone in your household will see it on a daily basis. By doing these simple things you will be ensuring that your brain is in prime shape to happinize to the fullest!
- Make gratitude a life habit: Each day jot down three specific things that you are grateful for and fully explain why each is important to you.
- Keep a gratitude journal: Concentrate on meaningful experiences and write down as many positive details as you can remember. Research has proven that keeping a journal for six weeks can create new positive neural tracts, decrease stress and even reduce the need for medication.
- Exercise: It improves motivation, reduces stress and increases feelings of mastery and engagement. Exercise has been proven to increase one’s IQ for two hours after the activity ends.
- Meditate: In a hectic world of multitasking and information overload, meditation trains our brain to do one thing at a time. Even a few simple moments of daily focus can have enormous benefits, such as taking your hands off the computer keyboard for two minutes each day and breathing deeply.
Although (that I know of), Achor does not stress healthy eating, you should keep in mind that healthy eating, along with weekly exercise, is vital to helping your brain be in a prime condition to happinize.
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